Harnessing the power of student-created videos in music programs

Harnessing the Power of Student-Created Videos in Music Programs

This article about student-created videos was originally published in The Woman Conductor Journal, October 2024 issue. For many years, music teachers have used audio and video recordings in the classroom. While reference recordings and instructional videos are valuable learning tools, incorporating student-created videos offers unique benefits that extend beyond passive learning. In this article, I will provide several…

From theory to practice: inspiring books for music educators

From Theory To Practice: Inspiring Books for Music Educators

Reading is something I have enjoyed since the time I was young and would sneak a flashlight under the covers to read after bedtime. Although I read a lot of research articles these days, there are several books I read over the last few months that I really enjoyed! As music teachers, we should also…

Characteristics of an Innovator’s Mindset: #IMMOOC Week 2

Mindset is a word we hear being used much more now, especially compared to when I first started teaching. Most people are familiar with the concept of having a Growth Mindset vs. a Fixes Mindset, as in, believing that intelligence/abilities can be developed as opposed to believing that intelligence/abilities are static. Carol Dweck discusses this…

Global Learning

One of my goals this year is to introduce more global learning opportunities. I feel like I am beginning to embrace this concept personally with my PLN through Twitter and Facebook, but I need to also help my students discover how they can be global learners. When I stumbled upon the website for a Global…