What if We Did More Than Engage Our Music Students? CMEA Magazine, January 2021, page 28
The Flipgrid Blog: Educator Spotlight: Meet Theresa Ducassoux
Podcast Interviews
Pass the Baton: Empower All Music Students
Everything Band Podcast: Episode 170
Da Capo Podcast: Less Tech >> More Mindset
Director’s Circle Podcast: Episode #33
Music Ed Mentor Podcast #039: Empowering Your Students
My Posts on Other Blogs
Lessons From the Podium
“We are taught many things as musicians – proper posture, breathing techniques, counting – and similar concepts relevant only to other musicians. However, many of these valuable lessons we learned from making music also apply to our teaching. In fact, they are lessons that all teachers, regardless of subject area, could benefit from remembering in their own classrooms!” continue reading
Band Directors Will FLIP Over Flipgrid!
“Flipgrid is a video response platform, dedicated to amplifying a student’s voice. Students create short videos that can be viewed by just the teacher or the entire class. Flipgrid gives students the opportunity to not only share their music-making but also reflect, respond, and connect to other musicians!” continue reading
STEAM Lessons with the OK Go Sandbox
“Using music in the classroom is a great way to engage students in a variety of subjects. Naturally, I was very excited to hear that Google has sponsored a collaborative project with the alternative rock band, OK Go, and the Playful Learning Lab”…continue reading
Snowed Out? Try a Virtual Concert!
This is a post I co-wrote for NAfME with my wonderful colleagues about how we handled a snowed out Winter Concert. Be sure to check it out!
How I Increased Voice and Choice in My Music Classes, and Why I’ll Never Look Back
“Voice and Choice” is a term frequently used when discussing today’s classroom. To a music teacher, it might seem like a silly phrase; we hear student voices all the time! Why do we need to increase that? But when used in the general education setting, the term takes on a different meaning…” continue reading
Digital Tools for Formative Assessment in Band
“While many band directors will agree that formative assessment takes place continuously throughout a rehearsal, it can be difficult to measure the understanding of individual students, as opposed to the group majority. Luckily, there are many ways to use technology for quick, formative assessments during band rehearsals and lessons…” continue reading
A Place for Inquiry in the Arts
“Is there a place for inquiry in the arts? If you ask arts teachers if there is a place for inquiry in their classroom, most would say yes. But I think if you asked them to describe inquiry in their classrooms, many would have a hard time doing it. I was one of those teachers…”continue reading
Top 6 Tips for New Teacher-Bloggers
“In the digital world we live in it seems there are always more ways we “need” to be connected: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, the Pinterest….the list goes on. But what about blogs? For a teacher, creating a blog can be more than just connecting you to others, it can actually make you a better educator!…” continue reading
Digital Learning Day? How About Digital Teaching Day?
“February 22, 2018, marked the seventh annual Digital Learning Day. Digital Learning Day celebrates the use of technology and innovative practices in student learning. Many teachers, myself included, incorporate digital learning strategies on a regular basis. My students have school-issued iPads they bring to class each week. To clarify – I teach elementary band and…” continue reading
Presentation Resources
Webinar: CASMEC Sip and Share – Making Sense of it All, Tech Tools for Meaningful Musical Experiences
“Creating on Any Device: Online Music Tech Made Easy”
“Sheet Music in the Digital Age: Noteflight Resources“
Webinar: “Technology and Sacred Music”
International Music Education Summit: “Empowering Your Music Students”
International Music Education Summit: “Pass the Baton: Empowering All Music Students”