#IMMOOC Season 4: Why is Innovation in Education Necessary?

#IMMOOC Season 4: Why is Innovation in Education Necessary?

I am so excited to be participating in #IMMOOC again! IMMOOC = Innovator’s Mindset Massive Open Online Course. I participated in the fall, reading and discussing The Innovator’s Mindset, by George Couros, with a wonderful PLN. This time around participants were given a choice (love the personalized learning here!) to read either The Innovator’s Mindset by George…

Recording Studio
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Personalized Learning: Part 3, How it Works

I have posted a few times about my personalized learning goals for this year, and have received some questions about how it works within the band and orchestra world. I’ll try to explain how some of the day to day activities work within my classroom. You can access my previous posts here: Personalized Learning: Part…

VSTE Recap

VSTE Recap

In early December I attended (and presented at) the VSTE Conference – Virginia Society for Technology in Education. My presentation was about Flipgrid, and along with a co-worker who teaches Reading we shared uses and suggestions for using Flipgrid in an elementary classroom. Yes, blogging about Flipgrid is also on my list of things to do! …



Going into the #IMMOOC experience I had no idea what to expect. I had read The Innovator’s Mindset over the summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was definitely on the list to re-read at some point, which made participating in the #IMMOOC a logical step. I had also recently set-up this blog, so “forced” blogging…