#IMMOOC Season 4: Why is Innovation in Education Necessary?

#IMMOOC Season 4: Why is Innovation in Education Necessary?

I am so excited to be participating in #IMMOOC again! IMMOOC = Innovator’s Mindset Massive Open Online Course. I participated in the fall, reading and discussing The Innovator’s Mindset, by George Couros, with a wonderful PLN. This time around participants were given a choice (love the personalized learning here!) to read either The Innovator’s Mindset by George…



Going into the #IMMOOC experience I had no idea what to expect. I had read The Innovator’s Mindset over the summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was definitely on the list to re-read at some point, which made participating in the #IMMOOC a logical step. I had also recently set-up this blog, so “forced” blogging…