
#GoogleEI and Music Teacher Balance

In ten days we will travel to London, not only to enjoy some time away but also for me to attend the Google Innovator Academy! Since being accepted into the academy seven weeks ago I have been getting to know the other members of my cohort online and working on my innovator challenge.

#GoogleEI & Music Teacher Balance

When the infamous “innovator box” arrived in the mail the fun was taken up a notch! We had to work together, 36 people from around the globe, to solve the various puzzles. One puzzle led to another, and another, and…it was great!

Google Innovator Box
Google Innovator Box

This week brought upon the bonus of getting to meet four other cohort members at the ISTE Conference in Philadelphia! It was so exciting to meet them in person and see the instant connection we all had. I can’t imagine what it will be like when all 36 cohort members are together. I also met numerous other people who already completed the Google Innovator Academy. Watching them smile as they spoke of their experiences and memories gives me goose bumps. I can’t wait to see what’s in store!

#LON19 innovators at ISTE

One thing I need to do before leaving is collect more information for my innovator challenge. I’m hoping to help music teachers find a better balance in their lives to be more focused and present when teaching. But first I have to figure out why this is a problem. Why do many music teachers feel this lack of balance? What is the underlying issue? Before beginning to look for a solution, determining the cause is necessary.

Here’s where I need your help. Can you offer any insight into the following questions?

  • What does it look like when you feel balanced and focused at work?
  • What does it look like when you do not feel balanced and focused at work?
  • How does this impact doing your job?
  • What do you think causes this lack of balance and focus?

Please leave a response in the comments. If you don’t feel comfortable making your answers public, you can use this form instead: Music Teacher Balance and Focus Survey

#GoogleEI and Music Teacher Balance

I truly believe that when music teachers are in the right place mentally and emotionally, they can be the most effective for their students. And while I would never suggest that music teachers are the only ones who experience this, I do think there are unique factors at play. As music teachers are asked to do more and more in their jobs, this balance becomes not only nice but essential. I don’t know exactly where this project will go, but it’s an exciting process!

Again, I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Everything helps! Music Teacher Balance and Focus Survey

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  1. Hmmmm….. although I’m not a full time teacher, I have witnessed my father’s career (university level) as well as the music teachers at my children’s elementary school…

    I’ve noticed that a lot of teachers have a “dual identity”, where they have to (or choose to) maintain both a performing career and teaching career. Not to get too far into the weeds about one helping the other, I’m struck by how much time and energy that takes, and whether they are fully able to enjoy and develop either part of their career.

    The second thing I see is just sheer volume. Witnessing my sons music teachers dealing with multiple schools and hundreds of kids just looks exhausting!

  2. Love this concept! I think as teachers we really struggle with balance when we want to give so much to children that aren’t ours. It can be taken to an extreme as a music teacher! Extra performances, rehearsals, larger classes, etc. I love teaching music but I am TIRED at the end of the day! I think that is why so many music teachers burn out in 5 years or less. Thank you for starting the conversation. I’m trying the same for my own story- teachliveharmony.com

    What does it look like when you feel balanced and focused at work?
    When I am balanced I feel calm. I don’t feel in a rush to get things accomplished, but I have high energy. I feel like I am having FUN working with crazy kids!

    What does it look like when you do not feel balanced and focused at work?
    Oh wow- exhausted, grumpy, feeling like I can’t get a break, I find my aura in the class is negative and not my true personality.

    How does this impact doing your job?
    I don’t have as much fun and I think in turn my kids don’t either!

    What do you think causes this lack of balance and focus?
    I think it is putting too much time into the job. Not being able to say “no” to extra work or at least “not today”. It is time to give myself some of the attention and energy I put into my teaching.

    1. Thank you for this! It’s definitely a big challenge but something I’m really interested in working on. I’ll check out your website and keep you posted as to where this project goes!

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