Showcasing the Musical Journey Through Digital Portfolios
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Showcasing the Musical Journey through Digital Portfolios

Digital portfolios have revolutionized various industries, and the world of music education is no exception. Traditionally, music classes have focused on performance-based assessments, leaving minimal room for comprehensive evaluation and holistic growth. However, digital portfolios offer a transformative medium for students to showcase their progress, creativity, and musical journeys. Why Incorporate Digital Portfolios in Music …

Canva for Band Directors

Canva for Band Directors

This article was originally published in The Woman Conductor Journal, June 2023 issue.  Graphic design skills may not be something band directors expect to need in their careers. But between concert programs, promotional posters, and award certificates, graphic design is likely something most of us have had to do. Luckily, there are some great tools available that…

Is There Creativity In Convergent and Divergent Thinking?

Is There Creativity in Convergent and Divergent Thinking?

Some scholars believe that creativity can be measured as part of a process, which I wrote about here: What’s the Role of the Creative Process in Music? But others were more interested in looking at what makes a person creative. They found that individuals have measurable characteristics that determine how creative they are. The ability…

WHat's the role of the creative process in music?

What’s the Role of the Creative Process in Music?

When looking at creativity, there are differences in opinion on where the creativity comes from. Scholars vary on whether they believe it’s the person, process, product, or place that determines if creativity exists. This blog post will focus on things surrounding the creative process in music.  If you had asked me four months ago if…

Exploring the Benefits of Padlet in the Music Room

Exploring the Benefits of Padlet in the Music Room

I don’t know how it’s possible that I’ve been using Padlet for so long and never wrote a blog post about it! I know I’ve mentioned it in other posts, like Engaging Students During Rehearsal With Technology and Apps for Beginning Band and Orchestra, and it was also featured in my book Empowering Ensembles With…

Engaging Students With Technology During Rehearsals
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Engaging Students With Technology During Rehearsals

This article about engaging students during rehearsals was originally published in The Woman Conductor Journal, February 2023 issue.  If you are looking to engage students during rehearsals, technology might be the answer! There are several tech tools you can use to enhance musicianship and get students more deeply involved in the music-making process.  Tech Tools to Build…